Mold Damage Restoration
24/7 Emergency Response
We work with Insurance Companies
Our Mold Removal and Air Quality Process
1.) Assessment/Protocol
After an IAQ Professional does a protocol we assess it to see what needs to be done and create a plan to correctly do the project.
2.) Containment
We then start setting up all containment after being authorized to commence working at the source of loss. We make sure to setup air tight containments and use HEPA Negative Machines and Air Filters to make up for all air. We set up cautions signs and make sure no un-authorized people enter these areas.
3.) Mitigation & IAQ
After all proper containment is setup, we put on PPE prior to any mitigation. After being ready we start to remove all affected material and dispose of them correctly. We also start using chemicals to eliminate all mold growth and also make sure we use a thermal fogger to get rid of all spores in the air present.
4.) Documentation
We provide all documentation to all parties involved to assure that we did everything mentioned in the report. We also do this to protect everyone involved for any legal actions that could be taken.
5.) Post Inspection
After finishing all the work, the IAQ Professional comes back to do a final inspection and does all his tests to see if we passed or not. After Passing we then get ready for the reconstruction of the property that was affected.

If your not sure if you have mold or have a protocol written up by an IAQ Professional and need a reputable restoration company, contact us!


We work 24/7, 365 days to make sure we assist you in any of these stressful event! Call now if your in need with this emergency!
Here an A/C Unit was leaking and over time caused some water damage and a big amount of Mold growth that was identified to be Stachybotrys which is toxic Mold. We had to remove the A/C unit and have if cleaned and disinfected professionally and have the Unit disinfected. After the post inspection we were ready to start rebuilding the affected areas.
Mold Damage Restoration
Mold Damage Restoration services are Mold Damage Remediation, Indoor Air Quality, Cross-Contamination Control and Post Inspection Documentation. When doing any Mold Damage Remediation we follow a protocol written up by a licensed inspector who will let us know what to do to remove all affected materials, clean, and disinfect the air. We have to setup a containment chambers with negative air pressure which is air tight in order to to prevent cross contamination from the affected areas to the unaffected areas. We also make sure we use foggers to kill all spores present in the air to make the air clean again and eliminating any spore counts present. Lastly, we do a post inspection and show our documentation to the licensed IAQ inspector to show that the work was completed and can also pass all structural and air samples showing that there's no more mold or microbial growth present.
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality consist of us making sure all affected areas are under Negative Air Pressure, Contained, the use of Thermal Fogging to eliminate all spores, and Sealing the structure to eliminate all bad odors. When making a contained area to prevent cross contamination, an important step is to keep this area under Negative Air Pressure to contain all affected microbial activity in the air inside this containment area. We use thermal fogging after all mitigation and cleaning with specialized chemicals, brushing down the structure, etc. The reason for using Thermal Fogging is due to the fact that there's some cracks and seems only the fogging can get into and it also eliminates all mold spores. Lastly, we seal the structure to eliminate all bad odors prior to the re-construction process and the post inspection done by an IAQ Licensed Specialist.
Mold Damage Mitigation
Mold Damage Mitigation is followed by a Protocol, Removing the Source, using PPE, HEPA Vacuum and Filtration, Air Scrubbers, and the use of Specialized Mold Removal Chemicals. The Protocol written up by a Licensed IAQ Professional is the most important step of the process due to taking on the responsibility of collecting air samples, structural samples, and other tests to create this Protocol in order to get rid of any Mold or Microbial Growth present in the property. After reading the Protocol, the Source Removal is very important because we have to make sure we dispose of it correctly as well without cross contaminating any unaffected areas. When performing these jobs we have to use proper PPE as stated by Federal Laws and OSHA safety guidelines due to the toxins in the air when performing these jobs and we always recommend for any personal or living things not permitted to entering these affected areas until after all work is complete and until a IAQ Professional passes the final inspection. When performing these jobs, HEPA Air scrubbers, vacuums, and Air Filtrations are necessary because they can create Negative Air Pressure and catch all mold spores possible due to the filtration being able to catch 99.97% of all microns. When performing these jobs, we also use specialized chemicals for Thermal Fogging or Chemical Applications to the structure in order to remove all Microbial Growth or mold present. We always recommend that all Living Personal or Creatures that aren't authorized to be in the affected areas to go in due to any irritation or other health concerns that these chemicals can cause to the health.

When performing any restoration jobs, we make sure to use DON PPE. This is important to make sure we are safe from any contaminations present and can also prevent us from contaminating anyone else after being in a job sight all day. We dispose of all PPE that's used and then use new DON PPE before entering any contaminated area!

We Work With
Retail Stores
Single Family Homes
Multi-Family Homes
Rental Properties

We're Here to Serve You
We will make sure to dry everything in place to try saving any material possible! Our team of certified Technicians can handle any situation in water damages and is willing to help you in these tough situation! Call us now because we're here to serve you 24/7, 365 days in order to bring you calmness in these stressful situations!

Containment Chamber
When dealing with any restoration jobs, we take the time to set up a containment chamber in order to prevent any cross contamination. These containment chambers are setup as air tight as possible to make sure none of the contaminants, toxins, spores, etc. to go to an unaffected area. We also set up caution signs for tripping hazards, chemical use, toxins, and authorized personel to enter only!

Residential Mold Damage
When dealing with Mold Damage it is important to get a licensed IAQ Specialist due to their expertise to not only finding the possible growth of mold, mildew, or any microbial growth, but also where the possible cause for the source is coming from as well. This licensed IAQ inspector will get samples to take to labs and will identify the type of mold and how toxic it can be, they will also determine the spore count of this mold which is very important for the following step. The next step the IAQ Inspector does is write a report explaining the proper steps for a remediation company to perform to properly remove all mold or potential microbial growth.
Once the protocol is written up, the remediation comes out to start the work. Usually the first step is to start setting up a dehumidifier to eliminate all moisture in the air present which also prevents further mold growth. After we would start setting up containment with negative air using a HEPA filtered Negative Air Machine/Air Scrubber to contain the contaminated areas mold spores to cross-contaminated the unaffected areas. After this we also set up make up air due to the negative pressure being set. We then start to remove the source, in which we place in disposable bags and tighten them to make sure they don't allow any spores to spread when disposing them. We the clean the structure by wiping with chemicals using microfiber towels, HEPA vacuum, or even wire brushing with special chemicals to kill and remove mold. We then thermal fog to make sure all spores are killed in the air and after we spray an anti-microbial solution to prevent further growth in the future. After this we seal the structure to leave it ready for the post inspection to see if we passed. Once we pass the final inspection, we take down the containment and all equipment being setup to start the reconstruction process!

After removing the source, cleaning it, penetrating it and sealing it. We started the reconstruction process by installing new siding in which we will paint the whole house after!

When performing any water damage restoration job weather the property owner uses their insurance provider or not, we take the proper steps to document every detail from the start in order to show proof of the process being taken in place to properly restore the property that was damaged. This also helps with insurance coverage as a justification for them to cover the costs of the bill!

When dealing with mold we follow proper guidelines and steps from a protocol to properly dispose of it.
Commercial Mold Damage
When suffering mold in your commercial building or property, it's important to get an inspection done by an IAQ Specialist in order to get a report written up by them. After this report is completed, it'll determine the spores/mold count, type of mold, and where it's at as well. While we wait on the protocol, we set up some air-tight containment chambers to and set up dehumidifiers and HEPA Negative air machines to prevent further moisture and cross contamination to the unaffected areas. We also set up air filters in order to make up positive air pressure due to all the negative air pressure taking place inside the containment chamber. After we receive the protocol we start mitigating the affected areas in which we remove the source, clean the source, penetrate the source and seal the source. This means that we remove all the affected and non-salvageable materials from the structure, we then clean the structure using various methods using HEPA filters vacuums, wire brushes, special chemicals, etc. After doing so, we then penetrate the source using foggers and this makes sure we kill all spores present in the air. After doing so we the pass a dry cleaning method once more using a HEPA Vacuum to pick up any spores left behind, so we can seal it after prior to any re-construction.
After doing a post test of to make sure we pass and there's no more mold present, we start taking down all of our equipment in order to have our re-construction crew come in and do the repairs. We start doing the repairs to match everything we removed and make it seem like if nothing happened at the source of loss. We document everything in order to show it as evidence to the insurance company to make sure they cover all costs. Lastly, we do a post deep clean to make the area look really nice and ready for the client once again.